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Solar radiation warms both land surfaces and water on our planet. Land surfaces absorb much more solar radiation than water. This is due to the fact that most land surfaces are darker than water which ...

This simple experiment will teach kids about convex/concave objects and how they reflect light. They will also learn the difference between concave and convex.It is an educational content by education ...

As a living creature, your body responds to things in your environment.Your body may become tense when you encounter a difficult situation.You may tremble when you experience something frightful.Your ...

Plickers es una herramienta que permite a los profesores recopilar datos de evaluaciones formativas en tiempo real sin la necesidad de dispositivos estudiantiles. El profesor facilita a cada alumno un ...

Detecta la dislexia en fases tempranas con la aplicación de Samsung Dytective. Realiza el test en tu tablet o PC y en tan solo 15 minutos tendrás el resultado.

Dytective engloba dos herra ...