Educere > 14-16 años/3º-4º ESO

El Atlas de las Emociones fue encargado por el Dalai Lama en colaboracion con Paul Ekman, con el propósito de “Para encontrar el nuevo mundo necesitabamos un mapa, para que podamos encont ... es una aplicación Web2.0 creada para apoyar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje con pequeños módulos interactivos. Estos módulos se pueden utili ...

El Proyecto CREA (Creación de Recursos Educativos Abiertos) es una iniciativa de la Consejería de Educación y Empleo de la Junta de Extremadura que tiene como objetivo proporciona ...

En este blog obra de María Gómez Benito del IES Valle del Cidacos se comparten recursos vinculados a las enseñanzas que podemos extraer al crear y mantener un huerto. Aprendizajes ...

Iodine fuming is one of the oldest forensic techniques used to develop latent fingerprints but it is also one of the easiest. Students will learn how to fume iodine crystals that are readily available ...

In this experiment, you will find out how human error can cause faults in any science task. This includes experiments conducted by famous scientists also.It is an educational content by ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

Find out the differences (if any) in the frequencies of voices produced from a computer, from a phone, and directly coming out of the voicebox of a human.It is an educational content by ...

In this experiment we will test the various techniques to improve memory. Subjects will take a memory test before and after learning a memorization technique to examine which method is the most effect ...

This science project determines the differences between various bicep exercises, both in terms of how much muscle exertion they create and how they affect your heart rate.IntroductionIt is an educatio ...