Educere > 16-18 años/Bachillerato

On the informational level, this experiment serves to acquaint students with basic information on the growth of bacteria, their prevalence in our environment, and the conditions under which bacteria c ...

No one knows for sure if intelligent extraterrestrial life exists or ever existed. But many believe intelligent beings live elsewhere, despite a complete lack of compelling physical evidence. Why do s ...

Much is made about the positive effect of playing chess on cognitive abilities like critical thinking and pattern recognition. But is it really true that chess improves cognitive functioning? If so, i ...

In this experiment we will demonstrate the "power of conformity" using situations where individuals must decide to either go with the crowd or with their gut.It is an educational content by education. ...

Although the use of coffee for ergogenic purposes is socially accepted, it is addictive. When consumed on a daily basis, the body develops a tolerance. With this addiction comes withdrawal syndrome: C ...

People spend so much time and effort trying to look younger. Many an aging beauty longs for a Fountain of Youth. In fact, a recent internet keyword search for “anti-aging products” turned out nearly 6 ...

Osmosis and diffusion are in some ways alike. This experiment will be covering diffusion. The sodium hydroxide will mix with the phenolphthalein agar cubes and diffuse into the cubes. You will be able ...