
Connaissez-vous vraiment les géants du passé ? Plus de 100 questions illustrées sur les Tyranosaures, les tricératops, les diplodocus et sur un tas d'autres animaux du ...

En un experimento, los ratones obesos tenían un cuarto menos de papilas gustativas que los demás. Varios investigadores del Departamento de Ciencias Alimenticias de Cornell University ( ...

En el nombre de la ciencia, estos hombres y mujeres cambiaron la historia de la humanidad. ¿Sabrías reconocer a cada uno de ellos? ¿Sabes por qué fueron tan importantes? N ...

This experiment will introduce students to the mathematical modeling of biological processes. Students will fit the growth pattern of bacteria to a mathematical model and predict future colony expansi ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

Bioluminescence describes the enchantingly surreal nature of a living organism that produces light. Many sea creatures possess this quality, but land animals such as fireflies are also known to exhibi ...

On the informational level, this experiment serves to acquaint students with basic information on the growth of bacteria, their prevalence in our environment, and the conditions under which bacteria c ...

Although the use of coffee for ergogenic purposes is socially accepted, it is addictive. When consumed on a daily basis, the body develops a tolerance. With this addiction comes withdrawal syndrome: C ...

Osmosis and diffusion are in some ways alike. This experiment will be covering diffusion. The sodium hydroxide will mix with the phenolphthalein agar cubes and diffuse into the cubes. You will be able ...

Ejercicio resuelto sobre Estructura y funciones celulares que corresponde a un examen de Biología de la prueba de selectividad. El enunciado es el siguiente: A.- Cite el primer tipo celular que aparec ...