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Un pequeño crucigrama con conceptos sobre los aparatos digestivo y respiratorio, en un nivel de 3º de la ESO. Muy práctico como actividad de complemento, de refuerzo o como entreten ...

All living things have basic needs that must be met in order for them to live.The habitats for living things must provide those basic needs.If their habitat is not meeting their basic needs they will ...

Solar radiation warms both land surfaces and water on our planet. Land surfaces absorb much more solar radiation than water. This is due to the fact that most land surfaces are darker than water which ...

Formulate and test a hypothesis about the relationship of infrared and air temperatures throughout the day.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Iodine fuming is one of the oldest forensic techniques used to develop latent fingerprints but it is also one of the easiest. Students will learn how to fume iodine crystals that are readily available ...

This project will acquaint students with basic knowledge on conditions which determine the cooling and melting processes of water.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

All are made up of atoms or molecules that are in constant motion. As a material is heated, the atomic or molecular vibrations become larger and the temperature increases. When sufficient heat is abs ...

This experiment will introduce students to the mathematical modeling of biological processes. Students will fit the growth pattern of bacteria to a mathematical model and predict future colony expansi ...

In this experiment, you will find out how human error can cause faults in any science task. This includes experiments conducted by famous scientists also.It is an educational content by ...