The alphabet of animals (International Children's Digital Library)
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This book contains a picture of an animal whose name begins with each letter of the alphabet, along with the appropriate capital and lower-case letter and a brief couplet about the animal. In the middle of the book, there is a short description of the animals one would see during a visit to the zoo.
It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the University of Maryland's Human-Computer Interaction Lab.
Autor ernest henry griset
Categorias Texto narrativo Libro 10-12 años/3er Ciclo Primaria Lengua y literatura International Children's Digital Library 6-8 años/1er Ciclo Primaria 8-10 años/2º Ciclo Primaria 3-6 años/2º Ciclo Infantil Inglés add
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Fecha de publicación 28 / 05 / 2018
Licencia Se respeta la licencia original del recurso.
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The alphabet of animals (International Children's Digital Library)