Recursos > 10-12 años/3er Ciclo Primaria

Es un proyecto dirigido a maestros/as de primaria y profesores/as de los primeros cursos de secundaria, promovido por la Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España (COSCE) ...

Utiliza Climate Hot Map para ver, sobre un mapas interactivo, los efectos del calentamiento global en todo el mundo: olas de calor, aumento del nivel del mar, las inundaciones, deshielo de los glacia ...

A pesar de que el País Vasco ha visto partir un gran número de marinos y exploradores, pocos han dejado una huella tan indeleble como aquella que marcó la figura del pasaitarra Jo ...

Connaissez-vous vraiment les géants du passé ? Plus de 100 questions illustrées sur les Tyranosaures, les tricératops, les diplodocus et sur un tas d'autres animaux du ...

Formulate and test a hypothesis about the relationship of infrared and air temperatures throughout the day.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Iodine fuming is one of the oldest forensic techniques used to develop latent fingerprints but it is also one of the easiest. Students will learn how to fume iodine crystals that are readily available ...

All are made up of atoms or molecules that are in constant motion. As a material is heated, the atomic or molecular vibrations become larger and the temperature increases. When sufficient heat is abs ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

Breeding different types of fancy guppies reveals a combination of traits in the offspring, such as their color and appearance. Guppies are great for learning about genetics because they are affordabl ...

This project evaluates the ability of a biodegradeable dish detergent to increase the penetration of water in hydrophobic soils.The goal is to have the student formulate and test a hypothesis about th ...