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Recursos > 6-8 años/1er Ciclo Primaria

Enseñar a los niños a comer bien y a disfrutar con ello es un objetivo prioritario con visión de futuro. Serán ellos quienes cuando crezcan enseñen a sus hijos a ali ...

Un cortometraje que trata sobre la capacidad de sentir y de expresar los sentimientos. El vídeo muestra una experiencia de superación personal de la mano de su protagonista.

Conjunto de fichas imprimibles para trabajar con los pentominós, un conjunto de 12 formas diferentes compuestas por 5 cuadrados en diferentes posiciones con los que se pueden crear multitud de ...

Como ya sabéis, cada 23 de abril se celebra el Día Internacional del Libro y uno de los objetivos de esta fecha es fomentar la lectura. Por esta razón, los compañeros de Ed ...

Nonsense for girls is an illustrated story in verse for the wee ones.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the Univer ...

This is a story in verse about a young woman's excitement at being invited to her first big party, what happened there, and what she learned about flirtation and love afterwards.

It is an ebook from Th ...

Old farm gate is a collection of illustrated stories written in prose and verse.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with ...

Tells the story of a boy named Ino C., who was discontented.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the University of M ...

This book tells the story of a young girl named Lucy.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the University of Maryland ...

The Dragon King sent a jellyfish to Monkeyland to get a monkey whose liver could be used to cure the young Dragon Queen's illness. Read to find out how the monkey tricked the jellyfish, and why jelly ...