Educere > Ciencias Naturales

What are the differences between drugstore brand and expensive salon brand shampoos? Do you really get what you pay for? We will test these shampoos and examine hair structure under the microscope to ...

Although the use of coffee for ergogenic purposes is socially accepted, it is addictive. When consumed on a daily basis, the body develops a tolerance. With this addiction comes withdrawal syndrome: C ...

The purpose of this project is to test the efficacy of both synthetic and natural antibiotics. Cultures of benign bacteria will be grown in the presence of both a common antibiotic, and a natural chem ...

Crickets chirp at regular intervals. The length of the interval depends upon the temperature. This project is not necessarily to demonstrate that this is true- it is- but to quantify exactly how accur ...

Osmosis and diffusion are in some ways alike. This experiment will be covering diffusion. The sodium hydroxide will mix with the phenolphthalein agar cubes and diffuse into the cubes. You will be able ...