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The goal of this project is to determine if adults remember what they learned in high school. Adults over the age of 21 will take a test comprised of questions from the basic high school curriculum. W ...

Some people are said to talk too fast. Have you or have you heard some people speak rapidly during a presentation? Or do they just speak very fast in daily life as well? Find the fastest average speed ...

Much is made about the positive effect of playing chess on cognitive abilities like critical thinking and pattern recognition. But is it really true that chess improves cognitive functioning? If so, i ...

Today, automobile manufacturers offer options to integrate cell phones so it seems as if driving and talking on the phone go hand in hand? Studies have compared the effect of driving while on the phon ...

People spend so much time and effort trying to look younger. Many an aging beauty longs for a Fountain of Youth. In fact, a recent internet keyword search for “anti-aging products” turned out nearly 6 ...

Un video de historia sobre los Íberos. El documental realiza hincapié sobre el desarrollo cultural de estos pueblos poniéndonos como ejemplo la famosa escultura: La Dama de Elche ...

Cuando Lutero clava sus tesis en la iglesia de Wittenberg en 1517, el panorama religioso europeo dará un importante giro, y la religión será la causa de gran parte de las guerra ...

Vídeo que recoge las batallas más importantes de la Reconquista cristiana de Al-Ándalus, que comienza en el 720 con la batalla de Covadonga, pasando por importantes batallas como ...

Un video didáctico en 3D sobre la Alhambra de Granada. La Alhambra de Granada constituía un complejo palaciego del Reino Nazarí. El contenido educativo realiza una descripción detallada de las diferen ...

Vídeo comentado con las esculturas más destacadas del neoclasicismo.

La escultura neoclásica no esta considerada como una de las mejores, pero cuenta con autores de la talla de François Rude, Jean Bapt ...