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Recursos > 10-12 años/3er Ciclo Primaria

Use a variety of sources to conduct research on the phenomenon of split brain surgery and the impact it had on current advances in the neurosciences. How are the two hemispheres of the brain different ...

We are taught that in order to do well in school you must be attentive. However, there are no lessons in paying attention. With the surge in ADD/ADHD diagnosis it is important to develop focusing skil ...

Temperature affects your physiology- the reason we turn red in cold weather is because your body is attempting to shunt blood flow to your exposed areas and extremities to keep your temperature static ...

As a living creature, your body responds to things in your environment.Your body may become tense when you encounter a difficult situation.You may tremble when you experience something frightful.Your ...

There's a lot more to raising chickens than meets the eye. Chickens are used for meat and eggs, and are often kept as pets. Chicks are raised in different ways for different reasons. There are an equa ...

It’s getting hot out there! Discover the warm, wet world of the tropical rainforest as you create a tropical rainforest food web. What plants and animals form a tropical rainforest food web?It is an e ...

Have you ever noticed that sometimes certain shirts and jeans, especially when they are navy blue or black, tend to look duller after they’ve been laundered a few times?The term colorfastness describe ...

Did you know that the flies that buzz around your fruit bowl in the summer time have made huge contributions to science? A lot of what we’ve learned about genetics and chromosomes was first discovered ...

As technology advances, there has been a shift in how people obtain information. People used to exclusively obtain information by reading from paper, but now consumers also peruse internet articles on ...

Un sencilo experimento de física sobre magnetismo y líneas de campo magnético. Necesitas un botecito de plástico transparente, agua, un par de imanes y limaduras de hierro ...