Recursos > Ciencias Naturales

Connaissez-vous vraiment les géants du passé ? Plus de 100 questions illustrées sur les Tyranosaures, les tricératops, les diplodocus et sur un tas d'autres animaux du ...

En un experimento, los ratones obesos tenían un cuarto menos de papilas gustativas que los demás. Varios investigadores del Departamento de Ciencias Alimenticias de Cornell University ( ...

En el nombre de la ciencia, estos hombres y mujeres cambiaron la historia de la humanidad. ¿Sabrías reconocer a cada uno de ellos? ¿Sabes por qué fueron tan importantes? N ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

Breeding different types of fancy guppies reveals a combination of traits in the offspring, such as their color and appearance. Guppies are great for learning about genetics because they are affordabl ...

This science project determines the differences between various bicep exercises, both in terms of how much muscle exertion they create and how they affect your heart rate.IntroductionIt is an educatio ...

What are the differences between drugstore brand and expensive salon brand shampoos? Do you really get what you pay for? We will test these shampoos and examine hair structure under the microscope to ...

This project will look at how fabrics block UV radiation by examining how fabric thickness, tightness of weave, weight, type of fiber, and color influence the transmission of UV radiation. The goal is ...

Many food lovers are getting worried about the amount of preservatives and chemicals found in their everyday meals, now that these additives have been proved to be harmful to our health. In order to s ...

Use a variety of sources to conduct research on the phenomenon of split brain surgery and the impact it had on current advances in the neurosciences. How are the two hemispheres of the brain different ...